Credit Card Authorization Email * Billing Name * First Name Last Name Billing Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Card Type Visa Mastercard Amex Discover Credit Card Number * No spaces or dashes Expiration Date * MM/YY CDR Code * Payment Type You can purchase travel insurance to protect your booking, your deposit, and your cancellation penalty as outlined in your contract. Travel Insurance is highly recommended and has additional benefits. Please ask for a brochure by emailing or asking your Destination Wedding Specialist. Travel Insurance starts at $125 per person and the cost depends on the cost of both your deposit and your booking. If you wish to purchase travel insurance just to cover your booking, please do so when you do your individual booking. Deposit Only Deposit + Non-refundable Travel Insurance Payment Amount $ Sign Here Authorizing This Transaction * Thank you for submitting your credit card authorization form for your room block contract deposit! Once your card is processed, someone will be in touch with you.